IAFPD Certificate in Coaching. Introducing the Cognitive-behavioural approach to coaching
Date: July 1-5
Venue: BPS, London.
Fee: Ind £1045; Org £1385
CPD only fee: Ind £960; Org £1254
The IAFPD Certificate in Coaching is our most popular professional body and Approved Recognised coaching programme delivered by the Centre. It forms part of the Advanced Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Coaching programme. It is also an Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching programme. (The certificate course at an introductory level.)
It introduces course delegates to the cognitive-behavioural approach to coaching. The trainers are experienced cognitive-behavioural coaches who have published work on the approach. It is run about every six weeks at the British Psychological Society offices in London, UK. The course is run in partnership with the Centre for Coaching, International Academy for Professional Development.

Both of these courses are Approved by the British Psychological Society Learning Centre, and Approved by the International Society for Coaching Psychology. They form part of the Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching programme. These two 5-day intensive or 6-day programmes each have the same aims and objectives but cover the theory and practice of coaching from different perspectives. The courses introduce the traditional GROW model of coaching and cover the cognitive-behavioural Dual Systems and SPACE models. The pre-course reading includes Life Coaching: A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach (Neenan and Dryden). These courses form part of the Centre’s Advanced Certificate and Diploma in Coaching programmes.